Three of Swords Tarot Card Meaning and Interpretation
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The three of swords tarot card meaning is just all sorrow, grief, and searing disappointment. The card will likely illustrate a time of mourning, sorrow, or betrayal that tests your foundation on an emotional level. In love, career, or school, it is the less-than-pleasant reminder of emotional wounds before they heal.
Three swords meaning knowledge will teach one how to endure pain with the knowledge of precisely how to fight sorrow and with mental strength. The fact that the card was drawn into reading is a message that self-reflection is necessary. It means that evading pain only extends suffering. Emotional pain can be repaired by confronting it.
Although it is a card of sadness, it also carries the possibility of things to get better, summoning the person to leave the pain behind and be a wiser individual. Heartbreak and pain need to be present in tarot so that the person will start changing and thinking.
Symbolism and Imagery of the Three of Swords
The three swords symbolism is verified by their symbolic imagery. The imagery of the three swords card is a heart with three swords pierced through it, representing deep emotional hurt. Rain or stormy clouds in the background also contribute to the mood of sadness and emotional hurt.
All the details of the imagery are symbolic:
- The heart represents love, openness, and emotions.
- Swords represent slashing truths, betrayal, or loss.
- The turbulent sky illustrates suffering, loss, and freedom of feelings.
It is not a sign of eternal suffering but a sign that reveals painful visions. Storms would come in their time and suffering would dissolve over time. It is a sign of weathering the pain without turning back when it is present. Given that one would learn to embrace it, one could move forward with insight and emotional strength.
Three of Swords Upright: Heartbreak, Loss, and Heart Pain
When three swords upright appear, it is usually heartbreak or heartache. It is the break-up, mourning, or betrayal that cuts to the heart of the person. Though as painful as this is, this is a step towards maturity and resiliency of feelings.
Situation upon which the card would be likely to appear are:
- Break-up, divorce, or estrangement with a person one loves.
- Betrayal by a trusted person that leads to emotional hurt.
- Hurtful decisions that are regretful or sorrowful.
- Facing bitter realities that bring about emotional maturity.
However hurtful it is to undergo, the pain that it causes is temporary. The mourning that it involves is not for always but a season of mourning that will end. That realization shuts the door for restoration and reconciliation.
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Connect NowThe Three of Swords Reversed: Healing, Mending, and Forgetting
The 3 swords reversed is an indicator of healing and mending of the heart after a broken heart. It is an indication that healing has begun but perhaps not yet visible. The individual has begun forgetting the past hurt and is slowly gaining emotional strength.
This card generally indicates, when it appears:
- Overcoming sorrow and learning from emotional pain.
- Forgive yourself and others to move forward.
- Past heartbreak survival as the means of growing up.
- Protecting feelings after some grieving.
However, this card will also show lingering pain. Where the body is resisting the healing process, there are emotions behind it. The 3 of Swords reversed love is an indication that pain from years or years ago continues to get replayed in relationships today and only closure will first happen before new emotional relationship formation.
The Three of Swords in Tarot Readings and Daily Life
The three swords meaning do not have anything to do with love and romance at all. It will appear in work readings, finances, or spirituality, predicting disappointment or difficulties that will have to be endured and overcome.
- In work readings, it can predict job loss, office betrayal, or a failed career transition.
- In finances, it can predict sudden loss or money problems that will have to be smoothed out diplomatically.
- In personal growth, it is that conflict is the exception and results in something worthwhile to be discovered later.
- The 3 swords reversed career meaning is a workplace blunder over the long term, learning from those in the past, and creating new career paths with new knowledge.
Though the card will reveal the pain of the emotional sort, it will lead the individual to higher wisdom and inner fortitude.
What does 3 of Swords indicate in a Love reading?
The 3 of swords love position indicates sadness, emotional solitude, or the pain part of an affair. It is an image of betrayal, promise failure, or break-up that results in tolerable emotional pain. It is also a sign of growth through suffering.
How is the card influencing career and money readings?
In career readings, the three of swords tarot card meaning is conflict at work, disillusionment with work, or mistake at work. In finance, it’s a loss that comes suddenly or tough money choices that must be made in earnest. It does, however, teach us about futurism and resilience.
What does the Three of Swords indicate about past trauma?
The 3 swords upright is a sign of unresolved psychological distress that is affecting present situations. It tells us that past pain needs to be worked through and smoothed out first before healing can take place. Emotional and inner awareness needs to be reached before releasing old tendencies with this card.
Can the Three of Swords ever have a positive meaning?
Although typically associated with pain, the 3 of swords reversed is a signal of healing and emotional recovery. It suggests that the worst is over and healing has already started. Embracing change and with the wisdom that experience provides, the card promises hope for the future.