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Tarot Meaning of High Priestess: Inner Intuition, Secret, and Higher Spiritual Awareness

The tarot High Priestess is the symbol of inner intuition, secret, and higher spiritual awareness. The card symbolizes the force of the subconscious mind that drives us to heed our intuition and inner voice. The meaning of tarot High Priestess will be favorable for secrets, secret information, and discovering answers within.

As is evident, the card is a call for rest and introspection, following the behests of the inner knowing, rather than that of external influences. The symbolism of the card is a posture towards an image of a sitting woman, either in a conventionally draped form or sitting on symbols of enclosure, and so depicting her in affairs mystical and divine.

What the High Priestess tarot card represents will help us navigate stressful circumstances calmly and wisely. She is inviting us to listen carefully to our inner voice and embrace spiritual wisdom. The High Priestess is paired with the Moon, which indicates life cycles, secret feelings, and a necessity to reflect. She embodies divine femininity, and intuition, and is the mediator of conscious and subconscious mind.

High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning: Symbolism and Themes

The tarot meaning of the High Priestess is symbolic. She is positioned in between two pillars, which are better referred to as Boaz and Jachin, indicating duality and balance. The face is that of a patient and thoughtful face. The card will also display a scroll or book, indicative of esoteric knowledge or mystic knowledge. The Moon lying at her feet represents the unconscious, representing dreams, intuition, and inner thought.

Key themes of the High Priestess tarot are:

  • Believing in yourself and inner wisdom.
  • Embracing mystery and the unknown.
  • Encircling yourself with esoteric wisdom and higher consciousness.
  • Being balanced between reason and intuition.
  • Tuned into the power of silence and watching.

When the High Priestess shows up, she’s indicating that there’s a wish to withdraw and watch instead of act. She whispers to us, teaching us to see deeper beneath the surface to find deeper truths. She forbids us to explore the inner world, believing there is wisdom there.

The High Priestess in Love: Hidden Feelings and Deep Connections

In love, the High Priestess tarot love reading suggests profound emotional bonds and suppressed emotions. The card represents a relationship founded on trust, intuition, and inner understanding. It typically suggests a powerful spiritual bond, where the two people feel they are linked more than physically.

If the High Priestess tarot card love meaning appears, it means that both or one of them is turning down true feelings. It is asking for honesty and having the capacity to feel and give deeper feelings. It is a time to reflect on the relationship when the person must listen to intuition before making the ultimate decision.

For singles, the High Priestess tarot feelings indicate an accessible love that is elusive or in the background. It is a message that falling in love will not be easy and patience and readiness to venture into the unknown are required. Sometimes the card indicates that love and acceptance by yourself are to be earned before venturing into a new relationship.

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The High Priestess Career and Money Advice

In money and career, the High Priestess tarot guide teaches instinctive decisions and prudent planning. The card is telling us to take heed of our intuition when choosing a career and making investments. It warns us of the existence of concealed information and it will need to be uncovered and carefully monitored.

Great career advice from the High Priestess tarot is:

  • Exercise your intuition carefully in dealing with assignments or offers of work.
  • Think twice before taking drastic measures in your profession.
  • Do not hurry, wait and see things happen as and when.
  • Consult with a mentor or an experienced person.
  • Take your instincts along while signing deals or contracts.

Financially, the High Priestess tarot card’s meaning is to wait and observe. Do not rush and prepare in advance. The card may mean that there are unseen motives in your finances, and thus you have to learn more before making crucial expenditures.

Shadow Side of The High Priestess: The Reversed Meaning

The reversed High Priestess tarot shows the negative aspects of mystery and intuition. It comes up when things are unclear, signs are misinterpreted, or one does not have faith in intuition. It can show that secrets are being hidden or facts are being suppressed, and hence individuals misinterpret and become frustrated.

The High Priestess tarot card meaning reversed is a caution against ignoring your intuition. It is an indication of emotional disturbance or separation from your inner world. The reverse card may signify:

  • Buried with hidden knowledge.
  • Distrust and skepticism about yourself.
  • Controlled more by others’ opinions than by your insight.
  • Denying or fearing the truth.

Relationships in the High Priestess tarot reversed represent withdrawal of feeling or breakdown of communication. It reveals the way honesty and loyalty are ideal and needed by partners to address issues and not evade them.


How does The High Priestess help you make career decisions?

The High Priestess tarot is summoning you to listen to your intuition and have faith in your instincts at work. She is reminding you to listen to your inner voice when faced with job interviews, salary discussions, or company politics. The card signifies taking time to pause and reflect before making hard decisions so that you hear your inner voice.

How do you access your intuition with The High Priestess?

To listen to your intuition, the High Priestess tarot guide recommends meditation, journaling, and reflection. Isolation and listening to internal mind dialogue will allow you to listen to your subconscious mind. Listening to your gut and paying attention to dreams can also improve your intuition.

How can The High Priestess guide self-awareness and mindfulness?

The High Priestess tarot meaning is also one of the requisites of interior consciousness and personal awareness. The card is beckoning you to your world of interior, prompting you to understand your mind and emotions and be in attendance here. The stillness and quietness can make you better understand yourself and achieve mental clarity in life advising.