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Tarot Judgement Card Meaning: Symbolism, Interpretation, and Insights

The Tarot Judgement Card is one of the most difficult to understand in the deck. Its meaning is very deceptive. Most fortune-tellers believe that the card speaks of retribution and condemnation, but such an interpretation is fundamentally incorrect. The true meaning of the Judgement Tarot is much deeper and not obvious.

The Judgement Tarot always has an ambiguous interpretation. This card is largely dedicated to the Christian concept of the Last Judgement and the second coming of Jesus Christ to earth, which will determine the righteous and unrighteous. What Judgement tarot meaning does the twentieth major arcana have and how is it interpreted in various spreads?

The Symbolism and Imagery of the Judgement Card

Interestingly, with the development of the culture of Tarot divination, the meaning of the card has changed significantly. In old decks, Judgement was understood as Resurrection, as the picture depicted a trumpeting archangel who raised the dead from their graves. Now the meaning of the card has become more multifaceted.

What does the Judgement tarot card mean? It is often called a card of liberation, changes for the better, completing a series of trials. This arcana in most spreads is interpreted as a positive omen. Judgement is the completion of internal and external changes in a person’s life, the transformation of their personality, and the emergence of new goals, values, and meanings. The arcana predicts the discovery of new abilities when old habits and attachments remain in the past. The transition will not be easy, but temporary difficulties will end, and the person will achieve their goal, entering a period of happiness, comfort, and serenity.

The card depicts six figures. Their poses and gestures speak of forgiveness or reconciliation. Judgement seems to hint that you need to draw a line under everything that has remained in the past and throw the skeletons out of your closets. The figures are naked. The Judgement Tarot advises you to face the truth and be open and honest with yourself and with everyone else.

On the card, the archangel blows the trumpet of Judgement Day. According to religious teachings, it awakens dormant energies and brings the dead back to life. In Tarot, the meaning is roughly the same: you may encounter similar forces and experience their effect on yourself.

Upright Judgement Card Meaning: Awakening, Renewal, and Purpose

Judgement upright indicates an awakening from a kind of trance and awareness of what you did not see before. It’s time to evaluate the past and make new, important decisions. The Judgement card speaks of the opportunity to start life with a clean slate. The main thing is to discard what pulls you back and be ready to go through the transformation process.

Judgement tarot card meaning suggests that all problems are temporary and will soon end. The person described by this card is an honest, open, fair, and wise mentor for weaker and dependent people.

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Reversed Judgement Card Meaning: Self-Doubt, Denial, and Delayed Decisions

In the reversed position, the card means resistance to change. Judgement indicates your unwillingness to face the ghosts of the past. The main meanings of Judgement reversed are:

  1. Resistance to change: unwillingness to accept new beginnings.
  2. Non-recognition: lack of awareness and understanding.
  3. Blockage: delay in the process of purification and liberation.
  4. Doubts: uncertainty in one’s own decisions and actions.

You refuse to recognize your own mistakes and start working on them. But you will still have to take responsibility for your actions; you just need to accept this. Retribution is already closed anyway.

The Judgement Card in Love, Career, and Personal Growth

Judgement tarot in love portends certain difficulties in personal life. It doesn’t matter whether you currently have a relationship or you’re searching: the Arcana can easily break your rose-colored glasses.

On the personal front, everything is now ambivalent: there is an opportunity both to live with a loved one for life and to break the relationship forever. You understand this perfectly well, and that’s why you turned to Tarot. Look closely at your partner’s actions and your feelings. No one can give advice better than your heart.

For single people, the card promises a meeting with an ambiguous person. At first glance, they will look like an ideal candidate for the role of a partner, but don’t rush with decisions: most likely, the new acquaintance has serious flaws.

However, Judgement reversed love in romantic spreads indicates a lack of love. They respect, feel obligations to you, value you, and take you seriously, but do not experience true burning passion. Think about how much you need this relationship. With this person, you will be able to build a strong and good union, but there will never be true love.

In career spreads, Judgement usually symbolizes a turning point in a career. Both a colossal rise and a complete decline. The card says that you are now at a crossroads and you need to make a serious decision on which your career, reputation, and position depend. The card advises not to be afraid of changes, because in your case, they are definitely for the better.

About personal development, the card warns about the importance of monitoring health and predicts impending dangers. Don’t ignore any problems, even those that seem insignificant. If you miss the moment now, you will have to pay in full for this mistake.


What spiritual lessons does the Judgement card offer?

The drawn Judgement card trumpets that it’s time for transformation through the lessons of the past. It is necessary to draw a conclusion and free yourself from the burden that weighs immensely. Think about what you have long postponed to a distant corner, what you closed your eyes to, what you did not want to notice. It’s time to look at the truth and take a decisive step into the future.

What role does the Judgement card play in a past-life or karmic reading?

The card calls for reviewing the past that periodically surfaces and requires your involvement. This will continue until you are finally ready to fully understand it. The card says that it’s time to analyze past events and take decisive actions now.

How does Judgement influence major life decisions and turning points?

Judgement says that you are now at a crossroads and you need to make a serious decision on which your career, reputation, personal life, and health depend. The card advises not to be afraid of changes, because in your case, they are definitely for the better.