The Four of Wands Tarot Card Meaning and Symbolism
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Among all the cards in the Tarot deck, there is a special Arcana that symbolizes the path and process of fulfilling cherished desires. This card is the Four of Wands tarot. We will tell you what this card represents in love and career readings, as well as its symbolism and detailed description in this Four of Wands tarot guide.
For a person who gets the Four of Wands tarot card meaning in a reading — this is a good sign. The card itself symbolizes joy, harmony, peace, and success. Speaking about the arcana, the Four of Wands tarot card means achieving a cherished dream or goal. This card calls to rejoice in the present moment, enjoy life, and not overwork yourself. Four of Wands Tarot is almost always about stability and security, as well as support and a strong family.
Symbolism and Description of the Four of Wands
Speaking about symbolism, firstly, we want to note the main characters of the illustration. Usually, the Four of Wands tarot card depicts two people, who are joyfully dancing and celebrating, holding flowers in their hands. This immediately lets us understand the spirit of this card — fun, celebration, joy. Between the wands, we see a beautiful garland of greenery and grapevine. In this case, it symbolizes flowering and something good. The background of 4 Wands consists of several people, whom we can interpret as family. They are under a large castle, which gives us an idea of a big house, coziness, and comfort.
Describing the connection with astrology, we can say the Four of Wands meaning is fire and relates to Aries, and the patron planet is beautiful Venus. In the Tarot deck, 4 Wands belongs to the minor arcana.
Upright Meaning of the Four of Wands
You can rejoice if you have become the owner of 4 Wands in your spread. In the upright position, the card indicates favorable things: celebration, rest, joyful news and emotions, success, stability, and happiness. In this form, the card promises harmony of the querent with the inner mind and shows that in their life there is everything they need. If this card in the upright position had to be described in one phrase, it would be: «Everything is good!». The main point is the struggle with pride for your achievements.
When divining about relationships, seeing 4 of Wands in love is an excellent sign. This union is strong and harmonious. Partners protect and truly respect each other, noticing little things and often pleasing their half with small surprises. This is a card of loyalty and strong union. Four of Wands are upright mean that the querent values their choice.
What does the Four of Wands mean in tarot if the topic of the question is money and career? In this case, everything is simple — you have achieved recognition and success, and you are income will increase, as will your qualifications. Relationships with colleagues are characterized by high understanding and harmony, and management considers you a valuable employee.
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Connect NowReversed Meaning of the Four of Wands
Almost all cards in the Tarot deck have a negative interpretation if they fall upside down during a spread. Four of Wands reversed is no exception, however, everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance. Of course, the reversed position of 4 wands may indicate negative prospects: conflicts, crises, search for self, and inability to achieve your goal. But here we can also have a neutral meaning, so any interpretation must be combined with other cards.
In matters of relationships and love, the reversed position of the Four of Wands tarot card means difficulties. Most likely, you will face conflicts against your will. Also, 4 of Wands reversed indicates that you will have to try and make efforts to preserve this union. But if the person you are divining about is a newcomer on your life path, then 4 wands may indicate a lack of connection, when from the beginning of communication you «didn’t get along.» In this case, you should refrain from further communication.
Four of Wands in career promises good prospects, however, the reversed position on the contrary warns about possible mistakes and financial losses. You will probably face problems and difficulties in work processes, and there may also be quarrels and conflicts in relationships with colleagues and management.
In the matter of money, this is also a bad sign. The reversed position of this Arcana tells us about the presence of problems in the embodiment of the desired. In this case, you need to put in some effort to work on yourself and your attitude towards life. Analyze, perhaps you should change your attitude towards money.
Additional Insights on the Four of Wands
Working with Tarot, we can always learn a little more about both ourselves and the world around us. The Four of Wands allows us to understand that wonderful events and a positive day await us if this Arcana falls in the «Card of the Day» spread. Enjoy the moment and don’t forget about gratitude.
But if the card fell reversed, then you should be wary – the day can be difficult and full of stress. The main advice in this situation is that you should not give up and surrender. Listen to yourself, and you will be able to find stability, peace, and harmony, turning this arcana into a plus.
How does the Four of Wands influence love and relationship readings?
If you have become the owner of 4 Wands in a love spread, this is a reason for joy. The card describes building relationships based on trust and harmony, however, pay attention to its position. In the upright position: the union is harmonious. In the reverse: the union is full of difficulties and conflicts.
How does this card relate to celebrations, milestones, and success?
4 Wands is the harbinger of good news, festive mood, and pleasant events. This card promises success, joy, and profit, and shows that we have achieved what we wanted and are in harmony with ourselves and others.
How can someone work with the energy of this card in daily life?
In everyday life or the «Card of the Day» spread, 4 wands speak of a wonderful day, positivity, and happiness. It is worth accepting these emotions and trying to fill everything you encounter throughout the day with positive energy.
What advice would you give when the Four of Wands appears in a career reading?
The 4 Wands card in career spreads says that a person has everything great at work: they have achieved recognition and success, their income is growing, and their qualification is at the highest level.