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The Fool Tarot Card: Unlocking its Mystical Meaning

An image that brings a smile to some faces, and an unkind look to others. Looking at it, the image of a medieval court jester comes to mind — a clown and a mocker. His appearance in public does not bode well. Who knows who will be the target of the jokes and sharp tongue of this wise Fool this time? The zero major arcanum is the card with which the Tarot deck begins. Why is the Fool so important, what is his power and secret? We explain the Fool tarot card meaning in this article.

The Symbolism Behind the Fool Card

The major arcana lays the foundation for any divination. What does the Fool tarot card mean? It is a card of freedom, madness, and the lightheartedness characteristic of a child, an innovator, or someone who lives easily without thinking about consequences. It symbolizes a person with a pure soul, capable of abandoning the old and starting anew. It is heroism on the verge of madness, the ability to clear the mind, and trust in higher powers.

The fact that the Fool card occupies the first place in the deck has a special meaning. It is no coincidence that the esotericist Rider-Waite-Smith, who created the classic Tarot deck, considered the Fool to be the most significant card, and in his «Illustrated Key to the Tarot» the Fool is given the most extensive description.

In the classic deck, Fool’s movement from right to left caused confusion. After all, he is moving forward, from the Fool past to the Fool present, and therefore should be moving in the opposite direction, because the right side is traditionally movement, impulse, activity, which means on the right is the Fool future position, on the left is the past.

To understand the Fool tarot meaning, the image of the Fool on the card and three words are important: beginning, clean slate, and going all out. Let’s start with the first. The card depicts a young man «with a burning gaze»,  joyfully discovering the world. He possesses openness, curiosity, and recklessness characteristic of youth, a lack of fear of dangers, and complete indifference to rules and prohibitions. Such conclusions suggest themselves when analyzing the graphic symbolism of the card. The young man is so immersed in his dreams that he does not notice how he has found himself on the edge of an abyss.

Take note of what the Fool holds in his hands. A small knapsack in one — a symbol of little experience: the young man is not yet burdened by troubles or material values, he is like an open book, or better yet, a clean slate, as if signaling «write what you want». In this sense, he very much resembles a child, echoing this image, and the white rose in the Fool’s left hand is a symbol of innocence, purity, and internal cleanliness. As you can see, the image of the Fool card is quite telling, and the symbolism is promising.

The Fool in the Major Arcana

The Fool is a Major Arcanum, which means the meaning of what is happening is deeper, and more fundamental than it seems at first glance. The Fool is a blank slate: the personality is not formed, and emotions and energy are childlike. He is just beginning to learn about the world, but at the same time is ready to go all out on the path to the unknown.

It’s important to understand here that the Fool is a jester, a madman, but not a stupid person. Yes, he does not recognize rules and is indifferent to public opinion, acts on some intuition, casually and cheerfully, Foolishly. Therefore, he commits thoughtless actions and reckless deeds, which bring problems upon his head, and not small ones. But there is something childlike in this recklessness and carelessness, and this is not bad.

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Upright and Reversed Fool: Meaning and Interpretation

A person who draws the Fool is characterized by curiosity, openness, and uncertainty. He is endowed with enormous creative potential, courage, and talent. It is not peaceful with him, but fun and interesting.

In the reversed position, the Fool becomes irresponsible, impulsive, inexperienced, and prone to infidelity. He is either Foolish or naive, which harms not only himself but also those around him.

The zero arcanum gives special significance to the Fool who loves reading. What does the Fool card mean in readings about love and relationships? It means love free from prejudices, the desire to know all its forms, and open relationships in a couple where there may be more than two partners. It is also flirtation, spontaneity, and living according to the dictates of instincts.

In the reversed position, the arcanum predicts flirtation, a lack of seriousness, as well as gullibility and self-confidence, where a person does not think about the feelings of their partner.

The Fool in the upright position brings the wind of change. This could be a job change, career growth, or promotion. The Fool has enormous creative potential and courage, and he is also talented. All this together creates good prospects in work and career.

You have a lot of energy but no clear plan of action. Everything is done “at random,” “hopefully it will work out.” The lack of self-discipline and avoidance of responsibility hinder the achievement of goals. Therefore, abilities are not fully realized, and goals are not achieved. And you also lack insight and the ability to predict and analyze, which creates a kind of blockage when making decisions.

The Fool in Different Tarot Spreads

With the major arcana, he signifies the renewal of the life cycle, a change in priorities. With court cards, he demonstrates people who remain children at heart. With numerical arcana — events that disrupt the usual course of things. The zero arcanum predicts events in life more significant than they seem at first glance. An interested attitude toward them, characteristic of children and geniuses, will allow you to succeed and achieve a lot.

The major arcanum Fool is a card of beginning something new and the ability to see the positive in everything, chances for success, and the opportunity for self-knowledge. Using the energy and predictions of the card, change your life for the better with a new job, hobby, or partner.


What deeper psychological aspects can the Fool card reveal about an individual’s current state or mindset?

The Fool is not only an «inner child», but also an inner hero! The Fool embodies the Hero, recklessly moving toward his destiny. But it is he who receives the World at the end of the journey. He does not use reason or other means to illuminate his path. But what seems to an outside observer as blind movement into an abyss, into a grave, is actually a path to transformation, so far beyond this world that all the clever people cannot imagine it.

Can the Fool card indicate external influences or opportunities outside of the individual’s control? How should that be interpreted in a reading?

In general, the presence of the Fool in a spread is always a very powerful sign; a person usually cannot even imagine what it brings. An unexpected turn of events, a surprise. Anything can happen. The card points to unexpected, unplanned circumstances that can overturn the existing state of affairs. It often shows a specific personality in the spread (and the querent can usually easily guess who it is).