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The Six of Cups Tarot Card: Nostalgia, Emotional Healing, and Inner Child

The six of cups tarot card is a picture of nostalgia, recollection, and emotional balance. The card typically symbolizes inner child healing, infant memory, and returning to someone or being comfortable. When the card shows up in a reading, it is a time of happiness, innocence, and naive relationships that are real and close to you.

What is the meaning of the Six of cups tarot to utilize in career, love relationships, and balancing feelings? Card reading is looking for old feelings to find meaning and balance feeling. In the upright and reversed position of the card, the card shows that the past has something to give the present.

The Symbolism and Meaning of the Six of Cups

The Six of Cups tarot also strongly pertains to nostalgia and sentimental attachments. The classic illustration of the card always features two children, wherein a child is giving another child a cup filled with flowers as a representation of goodness, kindness, and shared memory. The card is an indicator of the resurgence of the good old times, feelings, or even friends lost but now are the subjects of joy and rejuvenation.

The card will appear in a reading when:

  • You are going back to the experiences that defined you emotionally.
  • A person from the past appears in front of you that they will be re-entering your life.
  • You are drawing the memories of your childhood or the innocent feelings towards yourself.
  • You need to connect with your inner child so that you will be complete emotionally.

In both readings, the Six of Cups tarot card is about tapping into the energies of the past for the present day. How great is nostalgia, though, and the card also cautions about being in the rearview mirror and not focusing on things present.

The Six of Cups in Love and Relationships

In tarot love reading, six of cups tarot card love meaning is a general emotional estimate regarding the past or relationships. The card must reflect when lovers meet or where there are secure foundations of faith and remembering in a relationship. It may also signify emotionally profound, personal, and secure relationships.

In a relationship, the card would imply returning to the good old days or clearing the old issues for a strong base. To singles, it would perhaps imply the rekindling of the old flame or healing the old wounds before looking again.

If the six of cups tarot card reversed meaning appears in a relationship reading, it is also indicating one holding too much onto the past or rejoicing too much in releasing old relationships. Resentment about what never was in the past or dreaming about a past relationship closes off possibility and potential. To become aware of these behaviors is to release and be open to the present moment.

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The Six of Cups in Career, Finance, and Personal Development

Six of cups career meaning is returning to a secure job, safe with co-workers, or a good profession. The card will also indicate returning to something significant to one or finding pleasure in something one loved and brought happiness to in the past when one was young in the past while learning a particular task as a child.

Some of the most usual significances of the card in day-to-day tarot readings include:

  • Going back to old workplaces or old jobs.
  • Think more of the heart and less of the dollar in following one’s vocation in life.
  • The muse is found in old lines of workplaces or old jobs.
  • Cooperative partners who are friendly and congenial as colleagues.

Financially, it is an indicator of generosity, sharing of money, or giving of money in the past in the relationship. The 6 of cups in the reversed position career interpretation cautions against the continuation of past practice with regards to money or over-dependence on past finance as opposed to being receptive to change and new reality.

To discover inner growth, the card advises going back to childhood and adopting the inner child, letting go of yesterday’s blues, and recalling reckless abandon. A new hobby, project, or interest like a child can bring back inspiration and satisfaction.

The Reversed Six of Cups: Moving On vs. Stuck in the Past

Where the reversed six of cups tarot appears in a reading, a warning against restraining change or obstructing progress is needed. It is an indicator that something positive or negative done in the past is obstructing progress from being made. The card indicates emotional blockage, incomplete memory, or something intrusive and hanging on so that something new can grow.

Its reversals are

  • Holding on to assumptions about child development.
  • Prohibition on farewell with older relatives or back pain.
  • Excessive time between memory and prohibition on the possibility of the present.
  • Live bonding in a manner to make tomorrow a better day.

6 of cups reversed love indicates that the past relationship will influence the current relationship. It is an indication of letting go of the past and embracing new emotional experiences. It is used in career tarot readings to indicate not heeding the call to change or not being receptive to learning new challenges.


Why is the Six of Cups symbolic of childhood memories and nostalgia?

The six of cups tarot is a sign of strong emotional connections with the past, typically with homesickness, childhood memories, and innocence. It’s a sign of nostalgia or how the past will influence present experiences or emotions. The card will also show up when childhood joys need to be remembered or peace needs to be brought to love affairs in the past.

How does the Six of Cups heal emotions?

The Six of Cups tarot card is the healer and will take the subject’s memory back to the past. The healing, as shown, can be accomplished by recalling the sense in the past, learning the lessons in the past, and introducing the inner child. It will heal by releasing the pain in the past and making room for healing, and that would bring balance to the emotions and personal growth level.

Will the Six of Cups predict a reunion with an ex boyfriend?

The Six of Cups tarot card love has strong possibilities of announcing the re-entries of lovers, friends, or family members from past encounters. It is the long-forgotten one from the past that will return and along with it the emotional intimacy and most likely the continuation or ending of the affair. For better or worse will be indicated to the right or left of the spread.

How is Six of Cups connected to inner child work?

The six cups in the positive position is also very connected to inner child healing because it’s calling an individual back, to feelings, to the child, and old response pattern. It’s saying to an individual, in growth and learning, that permitting themselves to be open to doing this consciously will bring them to feel comfortable with the feelings. Inner child healing begins with letting go of the pain in the past and learning to be proficient at current happiness.