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5 Tarot Cards to Rekindle Lost Love

Love is strong, yet romance passes us by and the two lovers grow apart. The majority of them turn to tarot seeking guidance on how to rekindle lost love as they seek answers at the emotional level and search for concealed elements of reconciliation. A lost love tarot spread can show still-present unresolved issues, and whether the two can be reunited. Working with a lost love tarot card can allow for healing old wounds and repairing trust more easily.

There are tarot cards for love that carry very strong energies that require emotional rebirth, opened lines of communication, and rekindled flames. Tarot doesn’t foretell destiny but helps indicate how to proceed with emotions. If symbolism in some cards is achieved, then something can be intentionally done to mend shattered relations. The following are five tarot cards that can restore lost love and forge intimate relations.

The Lovers – Reviving Intimate Relations

The lovers card is all about deep emotional connections, longing for one another, and loving decisions. In a lost love tarot reading, the Lovers card signifies that even after being apart, there is a deep connection between the two lovers. The card shows that the trust issue gets resolved by adhering to communication and honesty.

Principal Lovers card meanings for love readings

  • Profound passion bond which continues to have a strong draw
  • Wanting open and honest communication
  • Enjoying being guided in decision-making rather than by fear
  • Healing potential if both are willing to assist

Used in ritual tarot reading, The Lovers card creates emotional connections and sensitivities between two people. Both are called upon in this card to turn inward and find a way to the other.

The Two of Cups – Restoring Emotional Harmony

Two of Cups symbolizes harmony, deep emotional connection, and the harmonious relationship they share. As a tarot lost love card, it indicates that the two parted people still love each other and can be reunited.

It is problematic:

  • Balancing emotions and mending the relationship
  • Respect and appreciation for the love they share
  • Open communication where they can resolve previous misunderstandings
  • Changing their faith and stronger base

If this card appears, love exists but both must be equal in the effort to restore the relationship. If a one-sided effort destroys a relationship, the Two of Cups informs both that they need to work together with love on an equal commitment level.

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The Six of Cups – Rekindling Old Love

Six of Cups is all about nostalgia, past love, and remembering. Six of Cups is one of the strongest love tarot cards, and overall, it shows us that a past flame can be fanned back into life. Six of Cups indicates that open hearts will nonetheless still unite two people together.

Best readings of Six of Cups:

  • A past flame will come back out of the blue
  • Emotional scars to mend first before any form of advancement
  • Reminder to cherish good memories but not recreate the same errors
  • Call to get in touch on a wiser, healthier level

In a lost love tarot reading, the card suggests that the former lover can reappear in one’s life, and the couple is given another chance at romance. It also warns one against idealizing the past. Change and improvement are necessary if they are to create a better future together.

The Knight of Cups – A Messenger of Love

The Knight of Cups is also a symbol of emotional vulnerability, romantic invitation, and genuine apology. When it appears, its meaning is mostly that one of the two is willing to make him- or herself available and offer a sincere apology.

It likes to appear:

  • A letter of apology from an old flame for courting or apologizing
  • Lack of profound emotional conversation and love in place of misunderstandings
  • A call to take action and not wait for someone else
  • A call to listen to the heart and love without fear

Knight of Cups is a card of action. Unlike passive emotion, it signifies that there will be an approach made to rekindle lost love. Knight of Cups in a tarot reading indicates actual moves, letters, or initiatives from a former flame.

The Ace of Cups – New Love Begins

The Ace of Cups is a sign of emotional beginnings, healing, and new love. It’s a commanding tarot card for lost love because it signifies emotional renewal along with new relationships. The card asks for an open heart along with being willing to stay open to loving again.

Some of the main meanings of the Ace of Cups:

  • A new emotional beginning, whether with a new or former lover
  • Need to mend past wound
  • Time of emotional exposure and vulnerability
  • Desire for intense, true love

The Ace of Cups lost love tarot reading assures that love never actually gets lost but rather needs to be regained. Forgiveness or a new beginning is what the Ace of Cups offers in hopes of being able to love again.


Can tarot reading regain a lost love?

Tarot readings show emotional energies so that one knows boundaries and reconciliation possibilities. Tarot can indicate emotional healing, communication, and likely behavior to revive an old romance with the assistance of a lost love tarot card. Tarot never guarantees anything but helps one know feelings and likely modes of advancement.

Which rituals or spreads are best to win back an ex-partner?

A lost love tarot spread will identify challenges and offer guidance to reconcile emotionally. Spells like candle magic, love meditation, and emotional communication can develop a positive energy flow. Reunion and love visualization techniques can establish powerful emotional bonds.

Can tarot tell if an ex-lover will come back, and how accurate is tarot in doing so?

Tarot will depict emotional possibility, instead of definitives. Tarot card lost love can describe reconciliation being established along current emotional lines. Individual choices and other matters are, in the final choice, nonetheless, the last responsibility.

What are some indications of reconciliation in a tarot reading?

Some of the love tarot cards are The Lovers, Two of Cups, and Six of Cups which have a clear prediction regarding the possibilities of reconnection. Together, they symbolize intimate emotional relationships, loving each other, and having the power to restart a relationship that already exists.